We were very excited to receive our stability balls as part of the Actice Sitting challenge. The idea behind the balls is to improve posture, increasing activity levels and thus improving concenteration.
,Welcome to the Active School Flag update page
The Active School Flag was launched by the Department of Education in May 2009 and is organised through Mayo Education Centre. The purpose of the initiative is to recognise schools (primary, post primary and special schools) that strive to achieve a physically active and physically educated school community.
We were delighted to achieve our Active School flag in 2018. This year, we are applying for renewal and are striving towards our third Active School flag.
The Active School Flag was launched by the Department of Education in May 2009 and is organised through Mayo Education Centre. The purpose of the initiative is to recognise schools (primary, post primary and special schools) that strive to achieve a physically active and physically educated school community.
We were delighted to achieve our Active School flag in 2018. This year, we are applying for renewal and are striving towards our third Active School flag.